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[2024/04/03] Ghidra on labwc on Wayland on NixOS: A Lesson in Java UI Toolkit Weirdness

A quick note on wm impersonation to get some Java programs to render a window. Check it out.

[2024/03/11] Disable Window Decorations and Window Switcher Menu in labwc

How to change the window switcher menu and disable window decoration in labwc. Find out.

[2024/03/09] Getting Mastodon to Run on a Low-RAM VPS

Setting up Mastodon is simple, but there are some snags in building on a low-end computer. Read on.

[2024/03/02] Setting up a Rust winit/wgpu Development Environment on Wayland under NixOS

It can be surprisingly tough to get all the dependencies in place just to be able to create a window. Read on.

[2024/02/20] Logitech g810 NixOS udev Rules

How to make the fancy keyboards light up. Read on.

[2024/02/16] A Simple Local TODO in Fish Shell

The most simple TODO system I could think of. Learn more.

[2024/02/09] Helix Language Servers & NixOS

How to configure Helix language servers on NixOS.

[2023/11/18] Limiting a Linux Process' CPU Usage

AKA a brief intro to cgroupv2. continue reading . . .